Luck of the Irish

Celebrate St. Paddy with a bowl of cereal-milk ice cream, filled with delicately hand-picked marshmallow charms…get your scoop before the little rascal gets away.

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Hadley Chillura
Basque Cheesecake

Velvety smooth mascarpone ice cream, with cubes of generously caramelized “Basque Style” cheesecake  complemented by a bright swirl of house-made strawberry balsamic jam. 

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Hadley Chillura
King Cake

If ya'll didn't know chef Amy is some what of a Cajun Queen 👑having lived and worked as a Pastry Chef just a stones throw from New Orleans, in Biloxi Mississippi. In her time there she learned how to hunt Alligators🐊 with her bare hands, and more importantly how to make the meanest King Cake on this side of the Mississippi river delta.

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Hadley Chillura

Belgian chocolate Ice Cream with Homemade Madagascar vanilla marshmallow fluff, toasted walnuts, and bittersweet Valrhona chocolate chunks. Studies show that people who like rocky road skew more aggressive by nature.  

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Hadley Chillura